James 5:14 Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.
When to Contact your physician
Abdominal pain
Blood in vomit or stool
Temp of 100.4 and above
Symptoms of dehydration- (dark color urine, dry mouth, dry eyes)
Swelling, redness or discharge at central line site
Device dislodgment
Stool amount or number larger than typical
Seek a second opinion
When you can’t reach your child’s health care team, head to the emergency department
Always ask to understand medical decisions
Trust your instincts when you think something is wrong
Central Line
Ensure all caregivers and baby-sitters have access to your health care team contact information.
Keep a spare of forceps in car in case of central line break
If central line balloons, clamp and call provider as the line may need a repair
Maneuver central line upward when changing dressing to avoid line coming in contact with ostomy output
Never allow anyone to manipulate central line without gloves
Always keep spare gtube in case of dislodgment
Always flush gtube before and after medication and feedings
Check balloon on gtube twice monthly to ensure appropriate amount of water is in the balloon
Keep gtube area clean and dry
Keep a spare gtube when traveling If leakage, foul odor or redness, alert your care provider.
Prepare ostomy appliances ahead of time to save time with changes.
Ensure area is clean and dry before applying new appliance.
Skin barriers help avoid skin breakdown such as Ilex paste, Coloplast and Cavillon skin barrier wipes and spray.
Decide if a 2 piece vs a 1-piece appliance is better for your child.