Welcome to my website www.ShortCutforShortGut.org. This site is both a professional and personal undertaking for me. My name is Lynn and I am the mother of an 8 year old with short bowel syndrome. I am also a nurse practitioner and have combined my personal and professional experience to provide an inclusive site to educate patients and families on best practices for home management of short bowel syndrome. The goal of this website is to provide care-takers and parents with the knowledge and skills to troubleshoot the most common issues associated with short bowel syndrome care, provide answers for frequently asked questions, and outline tools and tips for everyday management and care. As there are many more complex health issues with the diagnosis, the site does not cover every aspect of the short bowel syndrome, but is meant to be an educational and informative tool to assist the parent and/or caretaker.
This website was created as part of my capstone project for the Doctorate of Nursing Practice from Spring Arbor University. The project, Educational Advances to Increase Self Efficacy in Short Bowel Syndrome Utilizing Social Media, incorporates an established Facebook support group for patients with short-gut and this web-based site to share best practices for the home care of patients with short bowel syndrome and to assist caregivers with the common challenges that are often faced providing care for their child with the diagnosis.
Please take a moment to complete the pre-test survey. After completion of the pretest survey, please review the website which I hope you find to be of value. Then, please answer and submit post survey questions that will help provide needed data to assist in the completion of the project and will also provide useful feedback to inform website content. All answers and responses are anonymous. Consent is implied when you complete and submit the survey.